
Why do We Say “I loved it” and Not “I love it”

by Shopify API on Mar 04, 2025

Have you ever noticed yourself saying “I loved it” instead of “I love it”? It’s a common phrase that has become a part of everyday language. But why do we choose the phrase “I loved it” over the seemingly more correct “I love it”?

So in this article, we have discussed the concept, exploring the many reasons behind why we opt for “I loved it”. Through researching the nuances behind these phrases, we will gain insight into why “I loved it” has become such a go-to phrase in the English language.

Should I say love or loved?

In terms of romantic partners, saying “I love you” displays more of a deeper connection.

On the other hand, saying “I loved it” in this situation is more indicative that you’ve had a good time with their company, but nothing more. This also applies to products, services and experiences that you’ve been using or enjoying.

If you’re feeling that the experience is still ongoing, then you should use the phrase “I love it” to display your admiration. If the experience is over, then saying “I loved it” is more suitable to display your appreciation.

It all comes down to the context and how much level of admiration and appreciation you’re attempting to convey. For example, if you’re at a concert, you might say “I love this song!” to express your approval in the moment.

But when the concert is over, you’re likely to say “I loved the concert” to display the appreciation you had.

What is the meaning of love or loved?

According to Merriam-Webster, love means “strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties”. When someone loves something or someone, they feel a strong connection and attachment to that person or thing.

This connection can manifest itself in various ways - showing appreciation, acts of kindness, or physical affection.

The phrase “I love it” often expresses immediate feelings or admiration, such as when a person feels joy and happiness in the moment after experiencing something for the first time.

Meanwhile, “I loved it” can be used to reflect upon something that has been experienced in the past with intense appreciation and fondness.

Therefore, when someone says “I love it”, it’s an expression of their immediate feelings and emotions in that exact moment. When they say “I loved it”, they’re talking about how much they cherished the experience or thing after it’s gone or ended.

What is the difference between I love and I loved?

The difference between the two phrases lies in the connotations of the past versus the present. “I love it” expresses a current emotion or appreciation, while “I loved it” communicates an emotion in the past, evoking a sense of nostalgia or regret for what could have been.

What is another word for I loved?

For a more gushing expression of admiration, you could instead opt for “I was enthralled by it” or, if you’re feeling fancy, “It was utterly bewitching.”

On the other side, perhaps something simpler like “I liked it a lot” or “It was great” might suffice. For a slightly abridged but no less enthusiastic expression, you can go with “It was amazing” or “I adore it.”

Additionally, if you’re looking to capture a more awe-inspiring sentiment - a feeling of admiration you’re almost humbled by - you could instead opt for one of the following: “I’m mesmerized”, “It astounded me”, or “It blew me away.”

Moreover,, if you want something more sentimental and bittersweet, you might want to try “I was deeply moved” or “It touched me.”

Whether you go all-out or keep it simple and sweet, the main point is that your words carry your admiration - no matter which phrase you choose.

What type of tense is loved?

The tense we use when we say “I loved it” instead of “I love it” is called past tense. This kind of verb tense is used to express an action that either has happened some time ago, is happening now, or will happen in the future.

When we say “I loved it”, we are emphasizing the emotion behind the statement and indicating that it was felt at some point in the past. It may sound a bit melodramatic, but it still conveys the same message and information.

In short, when we choose to use the phrase “I loved it” instead of “I love it”, we are expressing our feelings in the past tense. This allows us to emphasize our emotion and give a more personal touch to the statement.

What is the opposite of loved?

When we think of the opposite of “loved”, the word “hate” usually comes to mind. It seems almost natural to say “I hate it”, and this phrase is commonly used when expressing one’s extreme disliking towards something or someone.

However, in order to recognize the opposite of “loved”, it is important to look beyond the literal definition to explore its nuances. Beyond “hate”, there are a variety of words that can be used to express a strong sense of criticism or aversion.

Words such as “disliked”, “despised”, “loathed”, “abhorred”, “detested”, and “reviled”, all allow us to better define the alternating emotion of feeling completely uninterested or disapproving of something that one was once enjoying.

The level of emotion and intensity when expressing the opposite of “loved” can also vary, depending on the individual. Someone could simply say, “I don’t like it,” when talking about a certain thing, or they could dive deep into themselves to express their sentiment with the phrase, “I loathed it with every fiber of my being”.

When should I use loved?

Using “loved” implies that you felt strongly about the experience and it’s already in the past. It’s a more intense feeling and has a finality to it that “love” may not capture, depending on the context.

Generally, saying “I loved it” implies that it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience or something that holds significant nostalgia. It can also be used to describe something that you have such a strong connection to that you have no other choice but to express it through love.

It can be used to acknowledge things which have already happened or acknowledge something that you may never experience again. It can also help to make the person you’re speaking to feel special by displaying your admiration for them.

When you feel that kind of connection with something or someone, use “I loved it” and make your bond unbreakable.

How can I use loved as a sentence?

For example, imagine going to an amazing restaurant that had great food and good company. You could say, “I loved it!” to show your appreciation. You’re not just conveying that the experience was good, but that you were so overwhelmingly moved by the experience that you loved it.

It can also be used to speak of strong emotion, such as love. You could share a story of a time you had with a close friend, and describe feeling pure adoration for the time you had together.

You could describe the moment with the phrase: “I loved it.” This phrase could also be used to describe something of beauty. We could see a stunning painting, a beautiful landscape, or a mesmerizing sunset, and when reflecting on the scene, we may speak of it with the phrase "I loved it."

Using the word 'loved' to describe how you feel not only has a powerful effect, but it can also express how truly moved and taken away you were in that moment.

Do we say love it or loved it?

In the context of expressing a feeling of appreciation or delight, “I loved it” is preferred over “I love it.” Using the verb “love” in the past tense makes sense logically because it implies that the feeling of appreciation or joy has passed and has been replaced with thoughtful reflection.

Saying “I love it” expresses an ongoing love for the thing being discussed, whereas “I loved it” is a way to express the feelings of immediacy and appreciation that we experience when something really pleases us.

The verb “love” is often reserved for close friends and family, so when expressing appreciation or admiration for a person, place, or thing, “I loved it” may seem more appropriate than “I love it.”

So the decision of whether to use “love it” or “loved it” is a personal choice, and it also relies on context.

Whether it’s expressing admiration to a stranger or expressing appreciation to a close friend, “I loved it” is likely the better choice in this situation.


In conclusion, it is clear that there is a big difference between the phrases ‘I loved it’ and ‘I love it’. We use 'I loved it' when referring to something that has already been experienced, whether that be a meal, a film, a conversation or any other type of experience.

Meanwhile, we use 'I love it' to indicate our current feelings about a certain thing. By understanding the slight but important distinction between these two phrases, we can gain a better appreciation for the nuances of the English language.
