
AliExpress Signs Product Safety Pledge at the European Consumer Summit 2024

by Shopify API on Mar 29, 2023

AliExpress Signs Product Safety Pledge

AliExpress, an online retail marketplace under Alibaba Group, has signed the EU's Product Safety Pledge+ during the European Consumer Summit 2023. The pledge is a voluntary commitment facilitated by the European Commission that aims to ensure product compliance and safety. The pledge covers 20 areas of voluntary commitments, with eight new areas added in the updated version. AliExpress will take on further extended responsibility to ensure the safety of non-food products sold online by third parties on the platform.

The ultimate goal is to improve the detection of unsafe products marketed in the EU before they are sold to consumers, or as soon as thereafter possible, to further protect consumers. AliExpress was a founding signatory of the original pledge in 2018.

The updated pledge requires participating platforms to enhance their efforts to complete the identification of relevant product listings within three working days, in addition to removing identified unsafe listings. They also need to provide active assistance on product recalls, including informing consumers who had made such purchases, and provide information to consumers about relevant local consumer protection and market surveillance authorities.

The pledge also requires the establishment of a risk management plan to identify, assess, classify, and mitigate product safety risks. The signing of the pledge reaffirms Alibaba's commitment to protecting consumers and cooperating with the European Commission to enhance product safety protection.

AliExpress Signs Product Safety Pledge at the European Consumer Summit

AliExpress is a global marketplace that allows consumers from around the world to buy directly from manufacturers and distributors in China and around the world.

The platform is available in 17 different languages, in addition to the global English-language version. AliExpress was one of the four online marketplaces that signed the EU's Product Safety Pledge in 2018. Since then, seven more platforms have joined the pledge to provide safer online marketplaces for EU consumers, bringing the total number of signatories to 11. The European Commission started discussing further improvements that could further product safety and offer even more protection for consumers after the signing of the 2018 Product Safety Pledge. The Product Safety Pledge+ was finalized in 2023 and signed between the European Commission and 11 online platforms at the European Consumer Summit 2023.

By signing the Product Safety Pledge+, AliExpress is demonstrating its commitment to ensuring that its platform is a safe and reliable place for consumers to shop. The pledge is a voluntary commitment, and the fact that AliExpress has signed it shows that the company is willing to go above and beyond what is required by law to ensure that its customers are protected. This is particularly important given the global nature of the platform and the fact that it enables consumers to buy directly from manufacturers and distributors in China and around the world.

By taking on extended responsibility to ensure the safety of non-food products sold on its platform, AliExpress is helping to improve the detection of unsafe products marketed in the EU and protect consumers from harm.

In addition to its commitment to product safety, AliExpress has also been working to improve the overall customer experience on its platform. The company has invested heavily in technology and logistics to ensure that orders are processed quickly and efficiently, and that customers receive their products in a timely and reliable manner. It has also implemented a number of measures to protect consumers from fraud and other forms of online crime, including a robust system for verifying the identity of sellers and buyers. Overall, AliExpress's commitment to product safety and customer protection has helped to make it one of the most popular and trusted online marketplaces in the world, with millions of customers from around the globe.

As a part of Alibaba Group, AliExpress has access to a vast network of resources and expertise that it can draw upon to improve its platform and enhance the customer experience. The company has been expanding its presence in Europe and other regions, and its commitment to product safety and customer protection is likely to play a key role in its continued growth and success.

By signing the Product Safety Pledge+, AliExpress is demonstrating its commitment to working with regulators and other stakeholders to ensure that its platform is a safe and reliable place for consumers to shop. This is an important step forward for the company and for the online marketplace industry as a whole, and it is likely to have a positive impact on consumer confidence and trust in online shopping.

In conclusion, AliExpress's signing of the EU's Product Safety Pledge+ is a significant step forward in ensuring product compliance and safety on its platform. By taking on extended responsibility to ensure the safety of non-food products sold on its platform, AliExpress is helping to improve the detection of unsafe products marketed in the EU and protect consumers from harm. The pledge is a voluntary commitment, and AliExpress's commitment to product safety and customer protection shows that the company is willing to go above and beyond what is required by law to ensure that its customers are protected. As a part of Alibaba Group, AliExpress has access to a vast network of resources and expertise, and its commitment to product safety and customer protection is likely to play a key role in its continued growth and success.
