
Daily Routine For Healthy Skin | 10 Skincare Tips To Follow For Healthy Skin!

by Shopify API on Jul 19, 2024


Want healthy, glowing skin? Here's a daily routine for healthy skin you can follow. Check it out!

The secret to a healthy glowing skin, is but a secret. The simplest of everyday measures can make a huge difference in the health of your body, mind and ultimately your skin.

Healthy and youthful looking skin is not only attractive, but it also gives you the confidence and energy to look forward to the productive day ahead.

Following a few simple homegrown steps, like eating healthy, hydrating regularly, washing your face and even sleeping the right amount, will manifest positively onto your skin.

Below, we have curated a few tips that are extremely easy to weave into your day for a healthy and glowing skin.

Daily Routine For Healthy Skin

Wash your face at least twice a day

Washing your face at least twice a day is the most basic thing you can do for your skin. It is cleansing, nourishing and the first step towards getting a clear skin.

Start your day by washing your face, not only does it cleanse your skin of the bacteria that have manifested over the night, but it is also a great way to wake up, feel energetic and be ready to take on the day!

Washing your face before sleeping is a great way to wind down as well. This will get rid of makeup, pollution and dust that have accumulated over the course of the day.

Washing your face regularly gets rid of the oil and sweat that get formed as well, which exponentially decreases the chances of acne.

Find a nice face wash which is pleasant and effective, which does strip your skin of the natural oils, as they balance the pH level of your skin. Even try using a washcloth to get rid of all the impurities.

apply sunscreen for healthy skin

Apply sunscreen

Sunscreen protects you from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. These rays can cause serious damage to the health of your skin.

For starters, they break down the connective tissues that are present in our skin as collagen and elastic fibres. These tissues which provide support and flexibility undergo damage which lead to droopy skin and wrinkles.

Exposure to UV rays while sunbathing, indulging in outdoor activities and tanning booths are all part and parcel of a fulfilling lifestyle, but remember to take necessary precautions.

Exposure to UV rays also leads to freckles, skin discoloration, age spots, and skin cancer.

Sunscreen not only protects you from these damages, but it also improves the condition of your skin as a result of these damages.

Hence, it is important that you step out of your house - regardless of whether it is sunny, rainy and cold - slathered in ample amounts of sunscreen. We recommend one with an SPF of 30 to 50 count for living in moderate climates. Remember to renew your sunscreen every three hours or so as well.


Moisturising your skin is the ideal way of keeping it hydrated and nourished, hence it is necessary that you make it a vital part of your skincare routine.

Moisturisers replenish our skin’s lost moisture and natural oils, which often happens after cleansing, toning, or exfoliating. So ideally, you should be moisturising right after you wash your face and apply your toner.

If you have dull, dry, scaly skin, you should moisturise everyday without fail. And if you have oily skin, that is all the more reason to moisturise, contrary to popular belief. This is because when your skin is too dry your body secrets extra oils which end up clogging the pores.

This is why hydrated skin is less oily. Moisturisers make your skin soft, bright, supple and younger looking.


Exfoliation helps in removing dead skin cells, improving circulation, encouraging skin turnover, and ultimately resulting in brighter and healthier skin, which allows for better absorption of moisturizers and serums.

What kind of exfoliant you use depends on your skin type, but the basic premise is to apply the scrub onto your skin with the tip of your fingers. Rub it gently in a circular motion. If you're using a chemical exfoliant, use a cotton pad or washcloth.

Finally, rise it off with lukewarm water.

For dry skin, use glycolic acid as it removes dead cells sitting on the surface of the skin and encourages healthy skin turnover.

If you have sensitive skin, avoid scrubbing or using any mechanical methods of exfoliation as they will further irritate your skin and lead to redness.

Manual exfoliation works remarkably for oily skin, and most methods are safe for normal skin.

Use a toner

Toners are nothing but water based liquids (that may not always be clear like water) that you can apply before your sunscreen or moisturiser, for a clearer, brighter, skin. There is no need to rinse them off!

They balance the pH level of your skin, reduce the visibility of your pores and dissolve leftover soap residue.

They also provide a moist surface for other products to easily penetrate the skin.

Aloe Vera is great as a toner as it helps fight acne, and deeply moisturises the skin.

Rose water is another natural toner that is gentle on your skin, hydrating, and leaves you with a great scent.

Apple Cider Vinegar is a mild exfoliator as well, so as a natural toner, it cleanses as well brightens your skin.

If you're looking to go for chemical based products, do take the guidance for your dermatologist.

work out for healthy skin


Working out has a host of benefits for your mental as well as physical health.

While it is commonly associated with being fit, losing weight and falling into a routine, more people are discovering its effects on the health of the skin.

You can notice this especially when it comes to sportsmen. Older looking athletes will have surprisingly clear, taut and smooth skin as compared to other people their age.

Regularly working out slows down the ageing process of the skin, leaving you with youthful looking skin for a longer time.

Exercising, like jogging or running or dancing, enhances blood circulation in the body. This increased blood flow ensures that the nutrients are better delivered to your skin cells. This leaves your skin deeply nourished.

Better blood circulation also aids the detoxifying system in your body, hence leaving you with brighter skin.

Daily routine for healthy skin

Get enough sleep

Beauty sleep is overused and for good reason- it is an actual thing! Sleeping promotes a brighter and healthier complexion.

It is only when you are sleeping that your organs and cells repair themselves, so it is important to not interrupt this process, and give your body the rest it deserves and requires. Sleeping is when your cells regenerate as well, which ensures a youthful, smoother looking skin.

Lack of sleep or too little sleep can worsen skin conditions that include acne, eczema, and wrinkles.


Water practically runs your body. There is nothing that any of your skincare steps can do that water cannot. Staying hydrated is the very first step to healthy and youthful skin.

Drink at least 2 litres of water everyday and you should be golden (and glowing).

Water promotes blood circulation in your body, thereby detoxifying, hydrating, nourishing, and cleansing the entire system. This leaves your skin acne-free, clear and supple.

If drinking water is something that you tend to forget, or is an activity that is more obligatory than voluntary, try to spice up the process. Invest in a fun looking bottle that you would want to keep around your workspace, and alternate between water and other fluids like fruit juices, green tea, etc.

Eat healthy; Cut down on sugar

Unhealthy foods are high in sugar and oil, usually deep fried, or with high amounts of spice that accelerate skin ageing and promote acne formation.

For this very reason, one should try and develop an interest in cooking. In this way, you can have home cooked meals more often and make it a regular thing, while indulging in takeouts on just the weekends, to reward yourself.

Make sure you include a myriad of pulses, greens and vegetables in your diet, as well as fruits, meat and eggs. Vegetables and fruits with high water content are especially beneficial for fighting skin damage.

Foods that are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant like those rich in Vitamin C aid in slowing down ageing of skin. They improve skin elasticity, and protect against skin damage. This would include regular consumption of green tea, olive oil, flax seeds and vegetables like carrots, leafy greens, bell peppers, pumpkin, avocados, and broccoli.


Last but not the least, manage your stress levels. Stress is one of the leading cases of skin related illnesses and poor skin conditions.

When you are stressed, the first 'emergency' response of the body is the physiological aspect, which leads to skin ageing.

You also become more prone to microbial infection when you are always stressed.

Hence, have a regular skincare routine, and while you follow that, also ensure that you do breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or other forms of therapeutic activities to keep your stress at bay.
