
Are Bath and Body Works Candles Safe for Dogs?

by Shopify API on Jul 06, 2024


The jury is still out on whether or not Bath & Body Works candles are safe for dogs. Some pet owners say that their dogs have had no issues after being around the candles, while others say that their dogs have had severe reactions, including vomiting and diarrhea.

I have a new pet dog at home yet I also love products from Bath and Body Works especially their candles. However, I also want to make sure that these candles are safe for dogs before burning them.

So, I researched thoroughly to know if the Bath and Body Works candles are safe and this way, I could also help you.

Keep reading our article to answer your concern Are Bath and Body Works Candles Safe for Dogs?

is bath and body works safe for dogs

Are Bath and Body Works Candles Safe for Dogs?

As I researched on whether or not Bath and Body Works Candles are safe, I also searched on some scents or essential oils that could be harmful for my dog.

There are scents that may be too irritating for them or may cause breathing difficulties, and these scents are available on Bath and Body Works Candles.

Some candles from Bath & Body Works are safe for dogs. However, certain scents may cause allergic reactions or be dangerous.

Of course, there are instances that some reactions vary depending on dogs. So, I also checked my dog to a veterinarian to find out if my dog could possibly have any reactions to certain scents or essential oils.

There are many types of scented candles on the market today. Before you give them a shot, it is essential to know how each one is rated in terms of its toxicity.

Keep in mind that dogs shouldn't be fed products that aren't safe.

Even though a product may not seem to be harmful to pets, it could still contain ingredients like formaldehyde, paraffin, and so on.

These can be harmful to your furry friend's health.

Candles are intended to create a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere. However, they can cause serious problems if used improperly. Your dog could be sensitive to certain scents, even though you may not realize it.

Also read: Are Bath And Body Works Candles Toxic?

Are all scented candles bad for dogs?

Not all scented candles are bad for dogs. Certain scents might be toxic or harmful to your pets when burned.

Most candles have chemicals that produce harmful effects, which may cause certain problems to human health and dogs.

For instance, essential oils are harmful to dogs. If candles have added essential oils to their ingredients, then you better get rid of those if you have a pet.

Moreover, synthetic scents of candles can negatively affect humans and pets, which may cause respiratory issues. 

Are Bath and Body Works candles toxic?

Yes. Whether for humans or pets, Bath & Body Works candles could be toxic.

One of the main issues with Bath & Body Works candles is that they contain paraffin wax. The candles blend paraffin wax, soy wax, and palm oil. 

Paraffin is derived from petroleum, and when burned, it releases harmful chemicals into the air, like benzene and toluene. These toxins have been linked to several health problems, including cancer, respiratory issues, and asthma.

So basically, by using Bath & Body Works candles, you're potentially damaging your health in a number of ways. Not cool.

However, certain companies believe Bath & Body Works candles aren't technically toxic to animals. Still, there are just some candle scents that could be or produce reactions.

Many people are looking for alternatives because of the risks associated with using paraffin wax in candles. If you're concerned about the health effects of burning candles made with paraffin wax, consider switching to soy wax or beeswax candles instead.

Many other candle brands out there use safer, non-toxic waxes like beeswax or soy wax.

What Do You Need To Know Before Buying Candles With Dogs At Home?

Before Buying Candles With Dogs At Home?

Is it really a good idea for a candle to be lit in your home if you have a dog?

Whether you are able to resist the gorgeous scent or not, consider this: Are your dogs sensitive to perfumes?

People often keep candles in their homes to provide a soothing effect. However, dogs have a more sensitive sense of smell than humans.

They may be able to smell the scents of candles and other burnt materials due to their keen sense of smell. Candles could trigger allergies or sensitivities in dogs.

It is vital to consider the safety of your pets when buying candles for your home. These are essential things to remember before you light up your house.

Let's now get to the details.

Bath & Body Works lists its candles as pet-friendly, but it also includes a disclaimer about your pet's individual sensitivities to fragrances.

Remember that open flames can be dangerous. This is especially important for animals that the flame might tempt to inspect and then accidentally blow it out.

Pets may also be exposed to the smoke from candles, as well as any other ingredients they might ingest.

You can place a lit candle in another room so that your dog doesn't get distracted. You can make sure they don't get too close to the candle.

Some Ingredients In Bath & Body Works Candles That Can Be Harmful To Dogs

It is wise to make a list of unsafe ingredients if you have dogs at home due to the number of candles B&BW makes each year.

These include:

Are Bath & Body Works Candles Harmful to Dogs?

Are Bath and Body Works Candles Harmful to Dogs?

These chemicals can be harmful to your dog's health. You should check the ingredients and make informed decisions.

You may need to stop giving the product to your dog if they are experiencing a reaction like an itchy rash, excessive drooling, or other symptoms.

Talk to your doctor if you have any questions about alleviating similar symptoms.

Candles That Are Safe For Dogs

Beeswax candles are another pet-safe alternative.

You can also use natural soy wax, coconut oil, or vegetable candles to make your dog safe.

It's a bonus if candles are made from 100% unbleached cotton.

However, these candles can still be used to trigger the response in your dog's eyes.

Do Burning Candles Affect Dogs?

People should not light candles near pets as they could inhale the smoke and fumes.

Burning candles near dogs can cause respiratory problems, eye irritation, skin burns, and even skin inflammation.

There is also the possibility that the dog could accidentally eat melted wax or candle wicks, which could cause gastrointestinal problems.

You might consider bringing some battery-operated candles home for your curious doggo.

Bath and Body Works Candles Safe for Dogs: Questions Asked

Are Bath and Body Works Candles Toxic to Dogs FAQs

Can burning scented candles harm dogs?

Scented candles are often made with chemicals that can harm pets if inhaled.

Some candles may have added essential oils, which could cause harmful effects.

Aside from that, candles also produce fumes and smoke, whether scented or not. This can make pets have difficulties in breathing and their respiratory system.

Bath & Body Works candles are not harmful to pets, especially dogs. However, some scents may be too irritating to them.

How Long Do Bath and Body Works candles Last?

Great question! The Single Wick and 3-Wick candles have burn times of between 25-45 hours.

Personally, I burn Bath & Body Works candles mostly 3 hours a day. In total, I can conclude that their candles can last at least 30 hours each.

But of course, the longevity of candles depends on the size you avail.

Single-wick candles can last between 24-45 hours, while 3-wick candles burn faster, which could be around 25-30 hours.

So, I highly recommend purchasing a single wick candle if you want a longer burn, but it has a lesser scent than in 3-wick candles.

Where are BBW Candles Manufactured?

Made In China. We currently manufacture the majority of our personal care products in the United States. Some accessories are made in China, such as baskets and Scentportable casing. These accessories make up less than 1% of our products. We strive to provide only the best quality products.

What Can Essential Oils Be Toxic For Dogs?

Dogs can be poisoned by many liquid potpourri and essential oils. These include pennyroyal oil, lemon, peppermint and pine, sweet birch and tea tree (melaleuca), wintergreen, and ylang-ylang. Toxic substances can be ingested or applied to the skin.

Why are BBW Candles Bad?

Paraffin wax, when burned, can release toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which include acetone, toluene, and benzene.

These compounds are known carcinogens. These chemicals are also found in diesel fuel emissions. They are known to cause skin irritations, allergies, asthma attacks, and skin problems.

Bath and Body Works Candle

What Candles Are Safe For Your Health?

Paraffin vs Beeswax vs Soy candles is the best. They are made with soy wax with 100% GMO-free (genetically modified organisms). Soy wax is clean-burning and won't leave your home or lungs clogged with dangerous pollutants, deadly smoke, or stains your walls or ceilings with soot.

Are Bath and Body Works Candles Toxic for Pets?

The answer is yes. Bath and Body Works does not recommend burning any of their candles around pets, especially an animal in a closed room. Several of their scented candles contain a whole list of ingredients that can cause burns and irritation to animals and children, including those made with soy.

Pets have a much more sensitive sense of smell than we do, and they can't just move away from a candle that gives them a headache, so they have to deal with it.

Candles can be toxic for pets, especially if they ingest them. No matter how cute and innocent they are, pets can cause many problems for their owners. This can occur whenever pet owners are not being cautious with the things they use at home, like candles.
