
Here Are 6 Easy Women’s Workout For An Hourglass Figure You Can Do At Home

por Shopify API en Jul 22, 2024


In this article I have listed out women's Workout For An Hourglass Figure that you can do at home. I've also given a hourglass figure diet and workout plan to help you reach your ideal body!

Well yes, we are indeed talking about an hourglass figure which every girl or a woman secretly desired of but hardly go ahead and attain; instead they love baring the naval with a crop top while the waist is clinched with a tight belt and wear high waist jeans to look fuller!

However even if they just make you appear like having an hourglass figure you would need to actually walk that extra mile and work on the core where the butts as well the shoulders are defined.

Thus, here we have come up with some of the best workouts for women who are going to get them the hourglass figure and some of them are discussed as below.

Women’s Workout For An Hourglass Figure

1. Stability Ball Plank Top Downs

To practice this one you would need to a plank exercise with the tops of the feet on a Swiss ball and then engaging the core you would need to first lift the right leg off the ball and touch the right toe onto the ground and then to the right side of the Swiss ball and then back on it.

The next step is to repeat the same with the left leg and which finishes one rep. This one works great in accentuating and defining the oblique, shoulders, chest and the abs.

2. Alternating Cursty Lunge With Bicep Curls

gym workouts for an hourglass figure

To start off this you would need to hold two dumbbells in your hands and then start with keeping the feet together and the toes facing at the front.

From here the next step is to lift the right foot and take a diagonal step behind you and while your shoulders are onto the hips and the knees are bent at almost 90 degrees.

The next step is to take a lunge back to the starting pose and repeat with the left leg. This is highly effective on the quads, biceps, hamstrings and the shoulders.

3. Renegade Row

how to get an hourglass figure in a week

To do this you would need to get hold of two dumbbells and take it in both your hands and get into a push up pose where the dumbbells are parallel to each other on the ground.

The next step is to bend the elbows to lower the body towards the ground without touching the ground and immediately press back to the starting pose.

Now, lift the right hand weight off the floor and bend the elbow with the weight and push it upon the ceiling and then release the weight back down. Repeating with the other arm completes a single rep. It works well for the core, shoulders, chest and the arms.

4. Windshield Wiper Abs

This one is great for the obliques and the abs where you need to sit on a mat with the legs stretched at your front while the forearms are on the mat and the finger tips facing your butts.

From this pose you would need to engage your core muscles in order to lift the feet out towards the ceiling and without displacing your hips sway the legs to the right, then centre and then to the left side. Bringing to the centre completes a rep.

5. Stability Ball Shoulder Bridge

how to get an hourglass figure in a week

This is another great one which is good in shaping the quads, hamstrings, core and the butt region. To start off this you would need to lie down on a mat while your legs are on a Swiss ball and the arms outstretched on the ground, palms facing downward.

The next step is to lift the hips off the floor and using the muscles trying to slowly roll the ball towards the butt region and then extending the ball to the start point. Continuing without dropping the hips is the key in here!

6. Back Leg Elevated Dead Lift

best workouts for hourglass figure

To do this one you would need dumbbells and a chair and then start off with grabbing the dumbbells in each hands and stand while the chair is just a few feet away at your back.

The next step is to reach the right toe and place it on the seat of the chair and then bend from the waist down with the weights till they reach the shun height.

Now you have to bring the weights upward using the hamstrings and the butt. This one helps in working out the lower back hamstrings and the butt region.

These few exercises if practiced on an regular basis regularly can surely get you the desired results in no time! Along with the workouts a proper check on the diet is also recommended to attain a hour glass figure.

What Are Some Easy Hourglass Figure Workout at Home

There are a number of Women's workout routines that can help you achieve an hourglass figure. Some popular exercises include:

  • Squats: Squats work your lower body, including your glutes and hamstrings. They also increase the size of your butt, which is a major muscle group in the hips and pelvis.
  • Lunges: Lunges target all of the major muscles in your legs, from your quadriceps to your calf muscles. They also stretch out the front of your thigh and calves, helping to prevent knee pain and injuries down the road.
  • Planks: Planks are one of the best overall exercises for toning up all over your body. They strengthen both your core muscles (especially abs) as well as other larger muscle groups scattered throughout your torso and abdomen(like back).
  • Balance beam workouts: These cardio sessions use simple equipment like bars or tires on a tightrope to challenge balance, coordination, flexibility and strength skills simultaneously - perfect for toning multiple areas at once!

What Are Some Gym Workouts For An Hourglass Figure

There are a few Women's Workouts for an Hourglass Figure that you can try. Here are four of the most popular ones:
-Pilates for women (or anyone) to increase flexibility, strength, and balance. This routine is designed to improve your posture, quality of movement, range of motion, and core stability.
-Yoga for an hourglass figure - this type of yoga is specifically tailored to give you a slimming look without any weight loss side effects. It helps tone your body while increasing heart rate and blood flow. Other than these two, the other gym workouts for hourglass figure you can do include:

  • Cardio track workout - incorporating various cardiovascular exercises into your regular routine will help sculpt your waistline and create curves in all the right places!
  • Circuit training workouts - these types of routines combine different kinds of exercise into one comprehensive session in order to maximize results over time. By performing multiple sets with short breaks between each set, you'll burn more calories overall

Hourglass Figure Diet And Workout Plan

A good diet and workout plan for getting an hourglass figure for women will vary depending on your own body composition, fitness level, and goals. However, a two tips that can help you achieve your desired shape include:

  • Eat a high-quality, balanced diet -focus on plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat proteins. Avoid sugary drinks, processed foods, and high-calorie foods.
  • Make sure to stay hydrated - Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help keep your body hydrated and support optimal weight loss and muscle development.

Also, stressed out people are more likely to develop unhealthy habits such as overeating or not exercising. Try to find ways to relax and relieve stress every day so that it doesn't have a negative impact on your health and fitness goals.


There you go! Some of the best exercises to get an hourglass figure.

Keep reading the whole article to know all about how women can get an amazing hourglass figure in just one session. With these exercises, you will surely achieve your goal. Just remember to keep doing them regularly and make sure that you have balanced diet as well.

Try these exercises to get a toned body today!

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